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Lobby With Salus Law

Partner with Salus Law to end the Social Security Administration's
arbitrary payment delays.

For Claimants and Attorneys alike, timely payments from the Social Security Administration is of the utmost importance. Are your clients suffering because of payment delays? Has your firm taken out loans because your accounts receivable is ballooning? Are you struggling to grow or make payroll because the unpredictability of payments makes planning impossible? Or better yet, have you left countless unanswered messages at the payment centers?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, please provide your contact information so we can tell you more about out plan.


Social Security disability
Program Delay

Washington State Social Security Disability attorney Maren Bam discuss this problem. Maren and business coach Rocco Luongo created a grass roots lobbying effort called DIB Deadline to pressure Congress to impose a 60 day deadline on Social Security to release retroactive payments to claimants who have been approved.