Here you'll find various resources in the form of links, downloads, and visual media that pertain to Salus Law, Social Security Disability claims, and general information on the law.

Salus Blog & Articles

SSA Blog for Children with Disabilities

SSA Blog for Homeslessness


Social Security disability Program Delay

Washington State Social Security Disability attorney Maren Bam decided it was time to do something about this problem. Maren and business coach Rocco Luongo created a grass roots lobbying effort called DIB Deadline to pressure Congress to impose a 60 day deadline on Social Security to release retroactive payments to claimants who have been approved.

Presentation PDFs

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Upcoming Online Educational Streams

Social Security Disability Updates During the Coronavirus Pandemic

This program, presented by Maren Miller Bam, will outline changes to the Social Security Industry during the coronavirus pandemic, including stayed, federal court proceedings and problems at the Appeals Council, telephonic hearings, and videoconference consultative evaluations (CEs).

Learning Objectives:

  1. Review the landscape of SSD administration during the pandemic, and what your clients can expect from their cases
  2. Discuss when to go forward with or postpone telephonic hearings
  3. Identify best practices for telephonic hearings and videoconference CEs
  4. Advise clients on their case during tumultuous times

This program will benefit Social Security Disability (SSD) practitioners of all skill levels.